NB-IOT Wireless water rope logger

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Sensor tali air nirkabel digunakan di tempat-tempat di mana kebocoran yang tidak terkendali dapat menyebabkan kerusakan besar, mis. di arsip, museum, ruang server, gudang, laboratorium. Mereka ideal untuk memantau kebocoran dari perangkat pemanas, sistem pendingin udara, mesin pencuci piring, mesin cuci, pompa dan lemari es atau freezer. Sensor dilengkapi dengan kabel pendeteksi yang memungkinkan Anda menentukan zona yang dipantau kebocorannya.

Sensor Efento NB-IoT mengirimkan data melalui jaringan seluler (Narrowband IoT) dan tidak memerlukan perangkat tambahan apa pun (router, gateway, dll.). Sensor juga dilengkapi dengan antarmuka Bluetooth Low Energy, yang memungkinkan konfigurasi cepat dan mudah dengan smartphone. Sensor Efento NB-IoT dapat diintegrasikan dengan platform cloud apa pun.


LEAK SENSORSensor detects the presence of conductive liquid (e.g. water) at any point along the entire length of the cable.Cable diameter / cable weight: 0.6 mm / 500gTest leads: 2*30 AWG with jacket of conductive fluoropolymerMaximum working temperature: 70 ° CThe amount of leakage for the alarm: 2 in(50mm)maximum at any point along sensing cable,up to 5000 ft maximum system lengthDrying time: The cable dries and resets within 15 seconds to remove from standing water
NB-IoTNB-IoT band: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 28, 663GPP: Release 13Power: 20 dBm
BLUETOOTH LECommunication: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)Radio module frequency: 2,4 GHzPower: 2,5 mW (4 dBm)Range: up to 100 m (LOS)Transmision period: 1 s
COMMUNICATIONProtocol: CoAP; Transmission interval: 5 minutes – 10 days, configurable
SOFTWARE UPDATESOver the air (with delta mechanism); Over Bluetooth Low Energy
POWER SUPPLYReplaceable AA batteries 2 x AA, 4200 mAh or 3 x AA, 6300 mAh. Battery operating time: up to 10 yearsUSB 5V with 1000 mAh rechargeable battery
DIMENSIONS27 x 71 x 71 mmWeight: 100 g

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