PCWI External Pipe Brush DN 610mm NPS 24 Inch

Jika anda berminat untuk membeli alat PCWI External Pipe Brush DN 610mm NPS 24 Inch yang disediakan oleh Global Intan Teknindo, silahkan anda langsung hubungi kami melalui :

PT. Global Intan Teknindo


Suitable for all High Voltage Porosity detectors, holiday detectors, spark testers and jeepers.

– Roller wheel mounted
– Lightweight
– Rolls easily over joints
– Moves easily around bends
– Splits for easy fitting

Large 1/2 circle or 1/3 circle brushes are also available

Adapters available for most brands/makes and models.



Brush wire: 100um brass wire Size: 610mm

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PCWI External Pipe Brush DN 610mm NPS 24 Inch