PCWI External Pipe Brush DN 25mm NPS 1 Inch

Jika anda berminat untuk membeli alat PCWI External Pipe Brush DN 25mm NPS 1 Inch yang disediakan oleh Global Intan Teknindo, silahkan anda langsung hubungi kami melalui :

PT. Global Intan Teknindo


Suitable for all High Voltage Porosity detectors, holiday detectors, spark testers and jeepers.

– Roller wheel mounted
– Lightweight
– Rolls easily over joints
– Moves easily around bends
– Splits for easy fitting

Large 1/2 circle or 1/3 circle brushes are also available

Adapters available for most brands/makes and models.



Brush wire: 100um brass wire Size: 25mm

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PCWI External Pipe Brush DN 25mm NPS 1 Inch