PCWI Coating Thickness Standards Non Ferrous 5 Plates HD

Kami PT Global Intan Teknindo sebagai Authorised Distributor tunggal PCWI di Indonesia. Jika anda berminat untuk membeli alatPCWI Coating Thickness Standards Non Ferrous 5 Plates HD yang disediakan oleh Global Intan Teknindo, silahkan anda langsung hubungi kami melalui :

PT. Global Intan Teknindo


  • Used for calibrating and checking the accuracy of all coating thickness instruments
  • Consists of a zero and four coated plates in a leatherette folder
  • Plates included: 0, 75, 150, 250 and 500 micrometres
  • Plate size: 35mm x 35mm
  • Base material: Non-Ferrous (Aluminium)

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PCWI Coating Thickness Standards Ferrous 5 Plates HD