Ultrasonic Wind Speed & Direction Smart Sensor

Jika anda berminat untuk membeli alat Ultrasonic Wind Speed & Direction Smart Sensor yang disediakan oleh Global Intan Teknindo, silahkan anda langsung hubungi kami melalui :

PT. Global Intan Teknindo



Ringkas dan kokoh tanpa bagian yang bergerak, sensor ultrasonik ini mampu mengukur kecepatan angin yang sangat rendah, hingga 0,4 m/detik (dibandingkan dengan 1,0 m/detik untuk sensor mekanis kami). Seperti halnya semua Sensor Cerdas Onset, sensor ini plug-and-play dengan stasiun HOBO (RX3000, RX2100, USB Micro Station, H22, dan U30-NRC). Karena secara otomatis dikenali oleh stasiun HOBO, maka tidak diperlukan pemrograman, sehingga penerapannya cepat dan mudah. Sensor ini ditenagai oleh panel surya internal.


  • Compact and rugged with no moving parts
  • Plug-and-play with HOBO stations
  • No starting threshold – suitable for low wind speeds
  • No wind direction dead band – accurate wind data in all directions
  • Powered by its own built-in solar panel
  • Affordably priced


Wind Speed/GustWind Direction
Measurement Range0 to 41.16 m/s (0 to 92.07 mph)0 to 359 degrees
Accuracy±0.8 m/s (1.79 mph) or ±4% of reading, whichever is greater0.2 to 3 m/s (0.44–6.7 mph): ±4 degrees >3 m/s (6.7 mph): ±2 degrees
Resolution0.4 m/s (0.89 mph)1 degrees (0 to 359 degrees)
Measurement DefinitionWind speed readings are taken every three seconds for the duration of the logging interval Wind speed: Average speed for the entire logging interval Gust speed: The highest three-second wind recorded during the logging interval See Measurement Operation.Unit vector averaging used; vector components for each wind measurement are calculated every three seconds for duration of logging interval (see Measurement Operation)
Operating Temperature Range Without Icing-15°C to 55°C (5°F to 131°F)
Environmental RatingWeatherproof
DimensionsSensor length: 380 mm (14.96 inches) Sensor head diameter: 60 mm (2.36 inches) Sensor rod diameter: 16 mm (0.63 inches)
Weight200 g (7 oz)
Power SupplyPhotovoltaic panel, LIFEP04 3.2 V -600 mAh battery
Bits per Sample8 for each channel, 24 total
Number of Data Channels*3
Measurement Averaging OptionAutomatic averaging (see Measurement Operation)
Cable Length Available3 m (9.8 ft)
Length of Smart Sensor Network Cable*0.5 m (1.6 ft)
Description: ce
The CE Marking identifies this product as complying with all relevant directives in the European Union (EU).
* A single HOBO station can accommodate 15 data channels and up to 100 m (328 ft) of smart sensor cable (the digital communications portion of the sensor cables).

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Ultrasonic Wind Speed and Direction Smart Sensor (S-WCG-M003)